
Friday, June 3, 2011

Alligators in California

Okay so we didn't actually see live alligators in California but we did see a big animated fake one in front of 'The Rainforest Cafe' which sparked a huge curiosity in Sheamus. He is now loving alligators to no end. It all started with Dinosaurs, then Godzilla, King Cobra and then his curiosity seems to have just branched off into almost all reptiles. He is especially fascinated by any reptile that is the fastest, strongest, biggest, etc. He is starting to piece together what classifies a reptile as a reptile.

Here is a tidbit about what makes a reptile a reptile on Wiki:

Reptiles are animals in the (Linnaean) class Reptilia. They are characterized by breathing air, laying shelled eggs (except for some vipers and constrictor snakes that give live birth), and having skin covered in scales and/or scutes. Reptiles are classically viewed as having a "cold-blooded" metabolism. They are tetrapods (either having four limbs or being descended from four-limbed ancestors). Modern reptiles inhabit every continent with the exception of Antarctica, and four living orders are currently recognized.

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