
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ancestors & Anatomy of Centipedes

Today we got all of Shea's questions answered that we listed. Just a few fun facts we learned: Centipedes are not insects but actually considered an animal (myriapods) and that their ancestors are from that of shrimp, lobsters and cray fish. :)

Saturday, June 8, 2013


This is Shea's excited face when we were gathering his questions for answering! Currently, it is all about centipedes!

Shea' s centipede questions

What do centipedes like the most?
What is the best way to take care of a centipede?
What do centipede eat?
What temperature do centipedes like?
How do you keep a wild centipede as a pet?
What type of centipedes live in Ca?

Are centipedes poisonous?